Monday, July 23, 2007

The week everything broke

Perhaps it's required to maintain the cosmic balance, but we've had a string of bad luck in the form of things breaking all around the house. Shortly before the babies were born, one of our (wall unit) air conditioners conked out, and Russ had it replaced with a "mini split" unit that's a nice step up. We also had a new roof put on as the old one had a slowly growing leak.

Snice we've been home, the other air conditioner quit (no replacement yet... July in Florida is a bad time to expect a call back from the A/C man), the clothes dryer broke (on the plus side, I now have the new washer and dryer I've been eyeing for several months), and the Truckster is in the shop having its transmission replaced. Whew!

Other than that, we're all doing fine. We go see a specialist later this week for their reflux, which we hope will continue improving. They have been taking less medicine since Friday's pediatrician visit and seem to be doing alright.

The lack of sleep is beginning to catch up with me. If I write everything down, I have a shot at remembering what I need to do next. If I remember where I wrote it down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love checking in on you and the babies!

A friend in Baltimore found a local Twins Support group a lot of help. Is there one in your area?