Sunday, July 1, 2007

Making progress

There isn't a whole lot to report, nor many new pictures, because the past several days have been pretty much the same routine. I have spent at least an hour a day with each of them in kangaroo care, and it seems to be doing them good.

Tonight was baths and weighing, and we were thrilled to find that James and Kathryn have each gained a few more ounces. James is up to 3 lbs. 10.5 oz., just half an ounce shy of his birth weight. Kathryn is a little bit ahead of him, and ahead of her birth weight, at 3 lbs. 11.6 oz.

Their "A's and B's" have decreased over the past couple of days, and they may be able to move to open cribs soon as they are getting better at keeping themselves warm and gaining weight. I have been spending more and more time with them. Even if it's just sitting and watching them, reading, or knitting while they sleep, I like being close to them and being there to touch and talk to them when they do wake up. Once they are in the open cribs we'll be able to hold them more, dress them, and hopefully move on to bottle feedings before too long

I am also doing as much as I can to help with their care -- at this point my contributions are pretty much limited to diaper changes and baths -- so that I get some practice handling them. They seem so tiny and fragile, it's a comfort to me to get used to doing these things under the watchful eyes of the wonderful nursing staff in the NICU. The tubes and wires, not to mention maneuvering through the portholes in the isolettes, make everything a bit more challenging, so I should be a pro by the time we all get home.

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