Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

We did go trick-or-treating, and we all had a good time. Moo-Cow Jimmy and Little Lamb Katie enjoyed riding around the neighborhood in the wagon, everyone thought they were adorable, and they shared a mini Snickers bar before bed. Duckling Sarah fell asleep halfway through, but woke up happy when we got home.

Happy Halloween

Babies are all sick with head colds, we suspect thanks to some kid's runny nose at either play gym or play date on Wednesday. Mommy and Daddy are thus far mostly unaffected, other than a giant sleep deficit due to babies waking up at all hours overnight.
Went shopping yesterday before Grandma flew home and picked up most of a winter (Florida winter, anyway) wardrobe for all 3, plus some toys, all on sale. I think we made up for some of the more expensive purchases we made earlier in the week, if you average it all out (those words hubby dreads hearing: "Guess how much I saved on all this stuff!").

Sarah is still a little tidbit, with 3-6 month sizes still a little baggy 
on her despite her 6-month birthday next week. She is becoming highly mobile, though, rolling around, scooting, and up on hands & knees ready to crawl. So far she mostly gets up there and then flops forward onto her face, but she's getting the idea. She is also beginning to sit independently, and does quite well with the help of a Boppy pillow. I think she's getting ready to cut a couple of teeth, there's a lot of chewing and drooling going on. Speaking of teeth, Katie has gotten one of her molars in and I think Jimmy is working on one as well.

I snapped this picture of Katie when we got home from church on Sunday, and it has become one of my favorites:

We may do some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood later today, depending on how everyone is feeling...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sarah's Baptism

Sarah was baptized on Sunday and we had Grandma, Aunt Linda, and big sis Kirby all here to celebrate with us. I made her gown (yes, I was sewing on trim Saturday night), and everything turned out just perfect. Pastor Chris used the baptism as the children's message for the day, which I though made it even more special. He told the kids that Sarah was their new "little sister" and then explained to them why. The ceremony was lovely, the choir anthem was one of my favorite hymns, and Sarah went through it all with a smile on her face.

We also had some Halloween fun with the twins' club party on Saturday and another kids' event Sunday evening. Everyone loved our barnyard theme: a cow, a sheep, a ducking, and a farmer family.
Grandma is here for the week, so it's busy right now, but there are lots of new pics on the October 2008 page.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Three things I am thankful for today:

  • A husband who made the triple stroller fit into the back of the truck

  • A completely fenced-in, toddler-friendly playground just a few miles down the road.

  • A baby girl who doesn't mind nursing while being carried around like a sack of potatoes.

  • Twins who want to take naps in the afternoon, and at the same time (I suspect a morning at the abovementioned playground helped).

OK, so that's four things. I could probably go on all day, actually, but then the 19038749837649 other things on my list for the afternoon would never get done.

Pictures from the park this morning are on the October 2008 photo page, enjoy!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today we made one of our seemingly endless trips to Home Depot to get some more lights and ceiling fans for the addition (which has siding, insulation, and drywall now!), and managed to do the whole thing without any strollers! Sarah rode in the sling, and Katie & Jimmy walked from the car to the front of the store and then rode in a two-seater shopping cart. We got almost everything we needed, and there was only one crying incident, when Jimmy poked Katie one time to many and got a bite on the arm for it.

After the shopping trip we stopped at the pumpkin patch at a local church and let the twins run around for a while. They had a blast, picked out a few little pumpkins which we purchased and brought home, braved the hay maze, and got dirtier than I would have thought possible for such an activity.

Pictures of the pumpkin patch and more are on the new October 2008 photo album page.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Since it's October already, I figured I better finish up the September photo album with the last few pictures for the month. It's been busy as usual here. We are anxiously awaiting completion of the house addition. We have windows now, and they'll start on the drywall as soon as the framing inspection is done. Funny quote from one of the subcontractors yesterday, as he was fixing a couple of things that didn't pass inspection: "You call the inspector an a%*hole one time, and the next thing you know he's red-tagging all your jobs!" Yeah, buddy.

The kiddos are changing every day, it seems. Katie is definitely learning words, she says "bye" and "ball" and "star", and she barks when she sees a dog (or a picture of a dog, or something that looks kinda like a dog). Jimmy is still babbling a lot, but we haven't heard any real words from him yet. He has finally decided he'd rather walk than crawl most of the time, and he is much steadier on his feet now. Sarah is rolling over both ways now, and starting to scoot along and reach for toys. She is happy to lie on her tummy for quite a while, holding her head up and playing with little soft toys. One of her favorites is the same set of soft blocks that Jimmy loved when he was about this age.

Everyone went to the doctor together last week, the twins for their 15-month visit, and Sarah (a couple of weeks late) for her 4-month visit. They all got shots, which always makes me sad, but they got the crying over with quickly. One of the nurses brought out some bubbles, which took the twins' mind off the ouchies instantly! They're still growing well... Sarah is up to nearly 25" tall and 13 lbs. 6 oz., Katie is 30" tall and 21 lbs. 2 oz., and Jimmy is 31" tall and 25 lbs. 2 oz. (yes, he's a solid little boy!).