Saturday, July 14, 2007

First doctor visit, Settling in

Yesterday's doctor visit went well. Both babies gained some weight -- they're getting weighed with diapers now, and on much less precise scales, but James gained about an ounce and Kathryn almost two ounces. We will have to go see specialists to monitor their reflux and bradys/apneas (monitor their monitors?), but they should outgrow both problems soon enough. Other than that, they continue to be healthy & growing well. We see changes in them every day!

We are beginning to find a routine that works for now, so we were both able to get a little more sleep last night. After their 9:00pm feeding, I napped & watched TV for a couple of hours, did the 1:00am feeding by myself and then slept until around 7:30am; Russ went to bed earlier and got up for the 5:00am. It takes about an hour altogether to prepare medicine & bottles, feed & diaper both babies, and get them settled back to sleep. Fortunately they are are so far sticking to the 4-hour shedule they were on at the hospital, though sometimes they need some distraction before feeding time or a little bit of an early start. We're trying to stick with it at least while they are on the medication to keep things simple and avoid waking them (or us!) up between feedings just to take medicine.

They are both eating very well now, taking almost 2 ounces at each feeding, and we can turn off the alarm clock because they're having no trouble waking up for their feedings and letting us know they're hungry! The home monitors are a little clumsy to handle, but we have had relatively few alarms, and they both fix the problem themselves usually before we even get into the room. It's reassuring to have the monitors, because every now and then they do need a little stimulation to get their heart rates or breathing back up. I am amazed at how well my sleeping self can tell the difference between the "problem" alarm sound (rush in to make sure they're OK) and the "loose wire" (someone moved the wrong way, just wait a few seconds) alarm sound!

I finally got the camera out and added a batch of new photos to the baby album!


Morgi said...

Hi, Morgi from LJ here. Just wait until these two are toddlers, causing all kinds of trouble, and you'll marvel at how these tiny, fragile little preemies grew into such troublemakers!

Anonymous said...

Just got back from San Francisco & are so thrilled that you guys are all back in your own home!! We know things are really crazy so we won't call you ... please call us if there's ANYTHING we can do ...
shopping, errands etc. Love to all of you - Barbara & Billy

Thida said...

I'm so thrilled for you!! A dream come true to have babies at home! I hope they continue to thrive.