Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Two weeks old and eating well

Today we hit two milestones: two weeks old, and both little ones got started on "bolus feedings", or receiving their formula over just one hour instead of gradually over three hours. They also switched to a special thickened formula to help with their reflux.

Both James and Kathryn seem much happier with the bolus feedings, perhaps because it makes their tummies feel full, where the gradual feedings never really filled them up. They're also tolerating it extremely well, no spitting up, and had nothing left in their tummies after the first two feedings (they check each time just before the next feeding). That means that all of the formula they were fed -- 40ml now -- is moving through their system.

The next step is to let them try "nippling", or feeding from a bottle. We're not sure exactly when that will happen, but it could be in the next day or two. One of the challenges for preemies is that their breathing is often too fast for them to be able to suck and swallow without choking, or their brains can't quite coordinate all three of those things at once. The nurses and doctors will evaluate their breathing, their sucking, and how they're tolerating their feedings in order to decide when to try the bottle. We have let the nurses know that we want to make sure we're there for the first bottle.

Tonight we held them for quite a while before and during their late-night (9:30 & 10:00) feedings. James went right to sleep as soon as his belly started getting full, but Kathryn stayed awake through her whole feeding and then some. She wasn't fussy or crying, just awake, looking around, sucking on her pacifier, and grabbing onto my finger. She finally drifted off around 11:30 and we could go home... I can't stand to leave as long as they're awake, I want to cherish every moment!

Check out the photos on the week 2 album page. Tomorrow (Thursday) starts Week Three!

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