Tuesday, July 10, 2007

One more day!

Barring any major problems between now and then, the babies will be released from the hospital Thursday morning and we will all be heading for home!!!

Today was a whirlwind of preparations, insurance company phone calls, a photo session (this picture is a quick one I took of them in the outfits they wore for their photo shoot... I crocheted the sweaters and pants while I was here awaiting their arrival), training for the home monitors (they'll be on monitors for a few months to alert us if their heart rate drops too far or if they stop breathing), James's circumcision, and the Tuesday night weighings and baths. We're all pretty well exhausted, but both babies are still gaining weight and both took their whole bottles tonight. Kathryn is up to 4 lbs. 3.4 oz. and James is up to 4 lbs. 2.4 oz.

We had yet another moment of hilarity in the NICU toinight... we let down our guard for a moment with his diaper open (one of the many rules there -- go without pooping for 12 hours and you get a glycerin suppository), and he retaliated by squirting Dad right in the face. Fortunately this time it was just pee. We both jumped to get things under cover, and lost a blanket and his pacifier to the floor (another hospital rule -- once something hits the floor, into the trash or laundry it goes) while trying to keep all the fresh post-bath bedding from getting soaked.

We are very excited about heading home so soon, and very happy that the babes are doing so well. We'll be pretty busy between now and then getting the truck packed up and everything ready to go, so I may not post any more until we get home. Maybe not right away then either... don't worry, it'll just mean we have our hands full of babies with no nurses around to help out!

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