Friday, July 20, 2007

One month old

The twins are one month old today! This morning was their weight check and one-month doctor visit. Kathryn tipped the scales at five pounds, and James weighed in at 4 pounds 11 ounces. They have both grown to over 18 inches long too. They are eating like crazy and doing better and better with their other problems. Since they are doing so well, we are going to start decreasing their reflux medicine to see how they do with less of that.

My mother arrived on Tuesday and will be here until the middle of next week, so we have another pair of hands around for a little while -- very helpful! We're getting everything a little more organized around here, but we are still short on sleep and the to-do lists just get longer. We'll catch up eventually. Or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you and the babies are home! I cannot wait to see them! We just got back from the wedding in CA and am trying to catch up on everything. If there is anything I can do to help, anything, just call me. Hope to see you real soon.
