Sunday, September 9, 2007

So this is what they call the "colic"

Last night at around 3 am, Russ handed me the baby girl (he was on late shift last night) and said "See if YOU can figure out why she's been crying for the past two hours."

I put her in the sling and walked and walked and walked and walked and she settled down and fell alseep and I could finally sit down. By the time James was hungry again at 5:00, I was, fortunately, able to put her down in the crib without waking her.

This scenario has repeated itself several times ofer the past few days, at different times of the day and night. When it happens, she's pretty much always happy to be in the sling and walking around, sometimes happy in the sling and sitting down, sometimes happy in the front carrier, and eventually she'll settle down enough to be put down.

Poor thing has been having all sorts of apparent tummy discomfort, for which we are trying various remedies. A side effect of this is that what feeding schedule we had is out the window, as she'll get hungry, take an ounce of forumla, and refuse any more until an hour or two later, when she wants more NOW.

On the plus side, I ate lunch and a bunch of sweets and then had a four-hour nap / sugar coma this afternoon. I woke up about every hour, but I couldn't convince any part of my body to move, so I went back to sleep. I feel much better now.

And we got a pair of Bumbo seats, which they're still just a tad too young for, but they seem to enjoy them in small doses already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tracey, I was just looking at a one step ahead magazine, and they have something for colic in there. It's something you wrap around the baby's stomach, and it's warm and has scents of chamomile and lavendar...have no idea if it works, but it said pediatrician recommended. You might want to look it up :).