Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New trick

Why are they screaming and screaming and screaming at 12:30am?

At first, it appears to be hunger. They don't both awaken at the same time, the second one waits just long enough after the first to let me think I can get away with feeding one at a time. Then everyone's crying because I've taken the bottle away from the first to get the second one up, find the Boppys, and get another bottle prepared. Once we're settled again, they're happy for a few minutes, and then start crying again.

Is it gas? Try burping each of them (again, prompting cries from the one who is without bottle while I burp the other), aha, success. Happy again for a few minutes, and then both start up again, crying so hard they don't even want to eat. OK, try diapers. One poopy, one wet. Clean pants should feel better, but that's not the problem. Try wrapping, unwrapping, different positions, and finally stumble upon the solution...

They want to be held while they eat (Why is this a surprise to us? Not that long ago, it was all we could do to keep them awake long enough to suck down an ounce and a half of formula). At the same time. At midnight. And they're now both too big to scoop up in one hand.

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