Friday, August 10, 2007

What I need...

What I need is not a nanny, a night nurse, or a babysitter.

What I need is someone to sit next to the crib and put the %&*#! pacifiers back in when they fall out of the babies' mouths.


Anonymous said...

Roll up a cloth diaper so that the roll is about eight inches long and about an inch in diameter. Tape the plastic part of a binkie onto it so that the nipple sticks out from the side of the roll. You can then put the binkie into the mouth and lay the roll on the shoulder/chest. Even if it is spit out, it is easy for the baby to "find" it again.
Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

THIS is the brilliance of the thumb. It's kinda hard to lose a thumb...

Sara said...

Oh, yes. Our children's ability to retrieve their own pacifiers was a hugely celebrated milestone in our household, both times. If you're not using one of those little pacifier leashes that clip onto the clothing, I highly recommend them; unleashed pacifiers can be darned elusive (Robby once dropped one so that it was neatly balanced on the lower rail of the crib), but you can nearly always find the child's shoulder and trace down the string from there. I found them sanity-saving. (BTW, the strings aren't long enough to circle the neck, so there's no strangling hazard.)

By the way, I send a small package -- did it arrive?
