Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Shopping spree

My sister and nephew are in town visiting for a few days, and this afternoon Sis and I went shopping. She's a baaaad influence. See the new pics in the Month 2 album.

I have been wanting to find the babies some more "nice" clothes, dresses and things other than onesies and sleepers, so we went to my favorite mall where they have Gymboree, Children's Place, Janie and Jack, and Nordstrom. Almost everything we bought was on sale, much of it marked down 50% or more. The stores had their fall & winter lines out, and the summer clothes were on the sale racks... Perfect! They'll have to grow into some of the outfits, but that's happening pretty fast these days.

When I got home, James was wide awake, and Kathryn woke up not long after. Russ put a Baby Einstein video on the TV, propped them in their Boppys up close, and they both watched it intently. It was adorable! I had fun talking to them about what they were seeing on the screen. We got the OK from the pediatrician's office to use some infant Mylicon drops to help their apparent gassiness (we'd been warned at the hospital not to give them any over-the-counter medicines without checking with their doctor), and it's made a big difference, especially for Kathryn. She is much more alert and happy than she's been lately, and they've both been snoozing peacefully since we put them down affter their last feeding (I will be doing the same very shortly).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the mute buttons!