Monday, August 27, 2007

Be sure you get my good side...

I took the babies out by myself tonight for the first time, since Russ was supposed to have a Dad's Night Out (which he skipped in favor of some alone time... can't say as I blame him!). It was fun & nervous-making at the same time, especially the driving.

I went to my favorite mall to spend time with a couple of friends, and also made an appointment at the cute photo studio there. We got some great pictures, and the babies were good through the whole thing and the hanging-out time afterwards. I planned it as a surprise for Russ, and brought home a couple of nice framed prints for his office & the house.

The kiddos just keep growing and growing, physically and mentally. They are looking at more and starting to hold on to things -- toys, me, whatever's nearby. James is enthralled by story time and watches me intently the whole time I am reading. Kathryn is really beginning to use her legs, both kicking at the ball on the new play gym, and scooting herself forward when she's on her tummy. She doesn't do that consistently, but she's made some big moves here and there

Plenty of new Month 3 photos, including highlights from tonight's photo session.

1 comment:

Thida said...

Great photos! And so nice to hear about their wonderful progress!