Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was the twins' first birthday... It is amazing to me how far we have come in just 12 months, from 3 1/2 pound preemies in the NICU to happy, healthy toddlers weighing in at 19 1/2 and 21 1/2 pounds!

We had a small birthday party last night with just a few friends, cake, and some presents. They had no idea what to do with the cake at first, but we fed them each a few bites and then they dug in on their own... and then broke out in hives everywhere they had smeared icing! Fortunately that cleared up quickly after we got them cleaned off, and with a dose of Benadryl just in case.

They did enjoy their birthday gifts! Katie got her first purse from Miss Kristina, and Jimmy got a little shape-sorter toolbox, complete with hammer. Nana and Pop-Pop sent them each a pull-along puppy, and a gift card for a "popcorn popper". From Mommy and Daddy they got a new play "house", fun soft chairs, and a Blue's Clues DVD.

Lots of new pictures, of course, in the June 2008 album, and a couple of new videos as well.

Jimmy and his dinosaur toy:

Katie walking:

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