Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Summer is here and we're finding some outdoor fun for the twins. They have a kiddie pool and a pair of swings out in the yard, and they love both.

Katie is really getting the hang of walking, she now walks several feet at a time and can stand up on her own without holding on to anything. Jimmy is cruising around on the furniture, and taking a step or two on his own. He spends a lot of time playing with his big dinosaur toy that makes noise when you put balls into a hole -- Jimmy has mastered that, and puts the ball in over and over all by himself.

Sarah had her 1 month doctor visit today, and is growing well! She weighed in at 9 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long -- up 2 pounds from when we left the hospital, and 2 inches from her birth length. She loves snoozing, but when she's awake she is very alert, looking all around. She doesn't cry much unless she is hungry or needs a clean diaper, but does make some cute little coos and squeaks.

New photos in the twins' Month 12 album, Sarah's Month 1 album, and June 2008

And a video of the twins' first time on the swings:

1 comment:

Morgi said...

The twins are a year old already???

The way they're laughing in the video just cracks me up.