Monday, January 28, 2008

No new pictures today, sorry. Not much new at all, really. Katie is sitting up well without any support at all. Jimmy can manage it in the Boppy pillow, but just isn't very interested. Katie gets up on her hands and knees all the time now, but still hasn't figured out how to move. It frustrates her terribly, we're hoping she will figure it out soon.

I am amazed at how happy these babies are most of the time. Something as simple as a favorite toy or a funny face from Mommy or Daddy elicits shrieks of laughter. They do get fussy (that's such a nice sounding word for it) when they're hungry, tired, or when they finally get bored with the toys within reach, but those things are all pretty easy to fix. The teething pain is a little more of a problem, especially for Jimmy, but as long as we don't run out of Tylenol we should be OK.

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