Sunday, January 20, 2008

7 Months!

Seven months old today! Wow!

This picture was just before their baths the other night. They were both very happy to be free of clothing and diapers, if only for a few minutes.

Still no crawling yet, but they are getting better and better at rolling both ways and using that to get closer to the next toy they want to play with. Katie can sit up on her own (with hands on her knees or on the floor) for brief periods, longer if she's got the Boppy pillow around her for extra support. Her downfall is her toes -- she gets interested in them and flops over forward or sideways to put them in her mouth. Jimmy is catching on to the whole sitting thing, but seems not to quite understand what he's supposed to be doing in that position. He's just as happy lying on his back or his tummy, especially if he has a toy that makes noise!

Katie is still not very interested in baby food, with the occasional exception of one particular banana, applesauce, and pear mixture, but she loves Kix cereal, Gerber puffs, and cookies -- anything she can sink her gums into. Jimmy continues to eat anything and everything we put in his mouth. They're both getting better at holding their own bottles, and are beginning to get the hang of a sippy cup (the one with the handles, at least).

They had a doctor visit on Friday for their second flu shots, where they weighed in at 17 lbs. 13oz. (James) and 15 lbs. 13 oz. (Kathryn). We have started to shop for larger (convertible) car seats, as Jimmy is almost too tall for the infant seat.

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