Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We haven't dropped off the face of the earth

I can't believe we're halfway through October already! Time really flies when you're having fun! (and still not sleeping through the night, and trying to catch up on several months of to-do list that just keeps growing, and...)

Both the babies are doing great, and we are getting closer and closer to a full night's sleep. When they got their Synagis shots last week, James was up to 13 1/2 pounds and Kathryn was 12 1/4 pounds. They'll see the pediatrician next week for their four-month (FOUR MONTHS!) check-up and vaccinations.

We are settling into a daily schedule now, and their feeding and naps are getting a little more predictable. They are also sleeping longer at night, occasionally up to 10 - 12 hours, but usually not quite that long. Unfortunately, we're still working on getting one last evening feeding into them, so for now their longest sleep is from 6 or 7 pm until too early in the morning. Hopefully we can get them to take that last bottle before we go to bed and wake up a few hours later in the morning. Sometimes they'll take an ounce or two, but they're very sleepy and when they don't want it they clamp their little mouths shut or just fall alseep and dribble the last mouthful all over.

I am way behind in posting (and taking) pictures this month. I will make up for that soon; Nana (my mother) is flying in tomorrow for a visit, and next weekend we will all dress up for the local twins club Halloween party.

James is still smiling and giggling at most everything, and Kathryn is beginning to smile more as well. They are both at their best first thing in the morning, and we have a great time playing on the floor before their breakfast bottle.

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