Monday, October 22, 2007

Four months old

They were four months old on Saturday... time is just flying by! Nana (Tracey's mom) is here visiting for a few days, and we all went to get pictures taken yesterday. We got a few great shots, including a spur-of-the-moment family portrait (I hadn't planned on being in any of the pictures this time). See them and the other pics I've finally gotten around to uploading in the newly re-titled Months 4 & 5 album.

We're clearing out a whole bunch of clothes they have outgrown, and they're now wearing lots of the things that just a month or two ago looked like they'd be way too huge forever. James smiles and giggles all the time now, and Kathryn is starting to give us some smiles as well. They are both "talking" away, making all sorts of cute baby sounds. They're also holding their heads up well, holding on to toys & waving them around, and getting closer and closer to rolling over on purpose. Our best time is first thing in the morning, they wake up and play happily on the floor, kicking and swatting at the toys hanging from their play gym or laughing at funny faces we make. Now if they'd just give up that last middle-of-the-night feeding so Mommy & Daddy would be happier in the morning too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY you need to email/Xandrapage me your mailing address. I have goodies (better late than never, right?)
