Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! We took the kids to an Easter egg hunt, their first, over the weekend. Fortunately the age groups were separated so we didn't get trampled. They didn't quite understand the idea of collecting the eggs, so almost as many came back out of their baskets as went in, but they had fun while they were at it. We got to spend quite a while at the playground there too, and Katie caught on to the "big kid" swing with some help from Daddy -- then didn't want to get off. Jimmy enjoyed swinging with Kirby, and Sarah had fun just walking around and swinging with Mommy.

Another highlight of the day was lollipops -- another first for Jimmy and Katie. Katie went to town on hers right away, Jimmy wasn't even sure he wanted to put his in his mouth (funny, he'll put nearly anything else in his mouth!). Once they got a taste of the sweets, their first reaction was to try to brush their teeth with the lollipops. It made sense once I thought about it -- the only thing they have that tastes like candy is their toddler toothpaste. Funny how those little brains work!

The empty plastic eggs seemed to be as big a hit as anything else, so Easter morning they got baskets full of those, plus some other toys. Speaking of toys, I have determined the toy preference hierarchy: 1. dirty diaper, 2. clean diaper that Mommy needs to put on someone, 3. box of diaper wipes (must be CLOSED when Mommy needs to get one out, but when no one's looking must be OPEN and emptied one wipe at a time), 4. any of the other 190385476573 toys in the room.

New April 2009 album page with photos from the egg hunt, our new backyard playhouse, and more. There's also a new video (as of last week) with some cute twin stuff on our YouTube playlist.

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