Monday, December 8, 2008

Playground Morning and Girls' Night

This morning we headed out to the larger of the fenced-in playgrounds nearby, and I thought to bring along a pack-n-play for Sarah... best idea I've had in a long time! Sarah played with her toys (and even napped for a little while) in there, and I could spend some time playing with Katie and Jimmy without worrying about Sarah crawling off into some sort of trouble.

We spent a couple of hours there and had a great time. There were a bunch of other kids in and out, which the twins really enjoyed -- especially when they got to play with other kids their own age. It was such a beautiful sunny day I took along my good camera and took lots and lots of pictures, some of which are on the December 2008 album page.

It amazes how easily Jimmy and Katie are able to run, climb, and play on the playground equipment now, and how much fun they have doing it. They don't even mind taking a tumble now and then, they get right back up and keep right on going.

Tonight Russ took Jimmy with him to Home Depot to buy some paint for the addition, and I had some girl time alone with Katie while Sarah was snoozing. What an experience it was having just one of them, even just for an hour! Once Sarah woke up, the three of us played together for a while. While I was preparing Sarah's dinner, I looked over and she and Katie were playing together all by themselves. Katie picked up a couple of rings from the stacking toy, put them on top of the Little People garage (which Sarah had pulled up on), and let Sarah pick them up from there. They just kept doing it over and over, each time Sarah dropped a ring (or Katie took one away). Katie and Jimmy are both doing so well with Sarah now, they seem to realize that they have to be gentle with her, and I think she's becoming more of another kid to them instead of a funny little toy.

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