Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Babies are all sick with head colds, we suspect thanks to some kid's runny nose at either play gym or play date on Wednesday. Mommy and Daddy are thus far mostly unaffected, other than a giant sleep deficit due to babies waking up at all hours overnight.
Went shopping yesterday before Grandma flew home and picked up most of a winter (Florida winter, anyway) wardrobe for all 3, plus some toys, all on sale. I think we made up for some of the more expensive purchases we made earlier in the week, if you average it all out (those words hubby dreads hearing: "Guess how much I saved on all this stuff!").

Sarah is still a little tidbit, with 3-6 month sizes still a little baggy 
on her despite her 6-month birthday next week. She is becoming highly mobile, though, rolling around, scooting, and up on hands & knees ready to crawl. So far she mostly gets up there and then flops forward onto her face, but she's getting the idea. She is also beginning to sit independently, and does quite well with the help of a Boppy pillow. I think she's getting ready to cut a couple of teeth, there's a lot of chewing and drooling going on. Speaking of teeth, Katie has gotten one of her molars in and I think Jimmy is working on one as well.

I snapped this picture of Katie when we got home from church on Sunday, and it has become one of my favorites:

We may do some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood later today, depending on how everyone is feeling...

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