Monday, September 22, 2008


We have been teaching the twins a few signs, and it's starting to pay off as they begin to understand what the signs mean. "All done" when they're finished eating was the first one they caught on to, and I knew Katie understood it when she made the "all done" sign as I was wiping her nose (which she hates). Jimmy picked up "more" pretty quickly, and he used it the other day at lunch. Not really sign language, but Katie also waves and says "Bye!" when she sees us pick up our car keys and sunglasses.

Sarah is beginning to communicate more too. She is rolling over from her back to her belly all the time and lets us know right away when she wants to be flipped back over. She is quite vocal when she's playing, and "talks" to her toys quite a bit. It's easy to tell when she's hungry or tired, and her smiles have turned into all-out giggles when she's having fun:

1 comment:

tracykwoodard said...

that video is disgustingly cute.