Friday, May 2, 2008

March for Babies -- Thank You!

First off, a big THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the March of Dimes in support of our March for Babies walk last weekend. We met our fundraising goal, and our team (the local parents of multiples club) raised over $3,000 in total! We had beautiful weather for the walk, and everyone had a great time. There are a few pictures form the walk in the Month 11 photo album. With all the fresh air and sunshine, the babes napped for three whole hours that afternoon!

We have settled into a nice schedule lately that includes two naps, three meals, and sleeping through the night almost all the time. Katie has sprouted two teeth on top now too, and we're expecting Jimmy's any day now. He is also catching up with his sister in balancing on his feet without holding on to anything. It will be great to see them start walking, but we're not in too much of a hurry for that.

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