Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Happy Spring! NINE months old today!

I know I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again, but I am still amazed at how fast the time goes and how quickly they change.

They have discovered that it's much more fun to stand up in their cribs and laugh at each other than to nap. They're eating everything we feed them -- fruit, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, cereal, toast, even meat and baby ravioli. Every now and then we run into something that one or the other of them isn't crazy about, but they enjoy most everything. They're both working on feeding themselves, too. They have the right idea, but still have a little trouble getting the pieces of food into their mouths instead of dropping it in their laps.

They are also having fun with some new toys. We had a wheeled walker that they have been using for a while now, and suddenly both of them want to be in it at the same time. We picked up a second one, and now they play "bumper cars" all over the kitchen. It amazes me to see their brains working more and more -- when they started using the walker, they would go until they bumped into something, and then we'd have to turn them around. Now when they hit an obstacle, they back up and turn themselves to go around it. That's some serious thinking for such little brains!

The cold we had a couple of weeks ago is still hanging around. Katie still has a stuffy nose, and Jimmy has a little bit of an ear & sinus infection and is taking some antibiotics. We're all feeling a lot better, but not quite up to 100%.

These are a couple of the pictures we had taken last weekend. There are a couple more shots at the end of the Month 9 album, including one with a live bunny!

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