Friday, February 22, 2008


In the past week or so, Katie first figured out how to sit up all by herself, and now goes back and forth from hands and knees to a sitting position all the time. She was quite pleased with herself the first few times she did it, now it's old hat. Shortly after that, she figured out how to move her arms and legs, and began to crawl. She doesn't go very fast, she uses her feet as often as her knees, and she stops to sit up several times on her way to a destination, but she's definitely moving now.

Jimmy pretty much has the crawling movements figured out, but he prefers to flop onto his belly instead of staying up on hands and knees. He can move pretty fast that way, though -- up on hands and knees, move hands forward, push with legs and flop onto belly. If a toy catches his eye, he scoots right across the room to get it. If I sit him up, he'll stay upright for a little while, but he's not very interested in doing it himself yet. He is cruising all over in the walker and zooms around the activity table too.

Both of them laugh and "talk" all the time, especially when they look at themselves in the mirror. They are also interacting with each other more and more, which sometimes results in tears when one steals a toy the other is playing with.

This weekend we'll install their new car seats because they're about to outgrow the "baby buckets". I sure will miss them!

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