Thursday, June 28, 2007

Little gains are big steps

When I stop to think about some of the numbers, it amazes me. Kathryn is getting 30ml, or one ounce of formula, every four hours. The formula has 24 calories per ounce, which means she is getting just under 150 calories per day, plus a few more from a dose of MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides, or easily digestable fat). That's a couple of cookies, a can of coke, or a quarter of a Big Mac. James is eating a little less at each feeding, but is working his way up and should be taking 28ml by morning. He is off the IV lipids (extra fat) now, and if all goes well he should have the scalp IV out tomorrow night. He is having some goopy eye stuff, which we're hoping is just a clogged tear duct and not an infection.

The good news for the day is that they both had poopy diapers this evening, and both were on the plus side for the second weighing in a row. James is up to 1565 grams, or 3 lbs. 7.2 oz. and Kathryn is at 1585 grams, or 3 lbs. 7.9 oz. -- at this rate she may be back to her birth weight by Sunday's weighing. Their next big milestone will be "nippling", or feeding from a bottle. They'll have to be able to take their full measure of formula over an hour instead of three hours, and be able to coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing. Kathryn seems to have the sucking pretty well figured out, but James is clueless so far. They say that will come with time, as his little brain makes some more connections. Apparently boys tend to be slower to mature even at this tender age.

Since Russ is back in Florida for a few days, I gave them both their kangaroo time, baths (weighings and baths are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings), and diaper changes tonight. I also picked up a few books and read them some stories. I was running out of songs to sing and words to say, so I let Dr. Seuss and Beatrix Potter fill in for a while.

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